
A blog about stuff


Based in rural southwestern Ohio, USA. Coder by day, game master by night.

I am all about a good story: hearing, witnessing, or creating. Tabletop RPGs are my medium of choice. I consume books voraciously.

I believe in both the power of privacy and the power of sharing. People over profits. We must hang together or surely we will hang separately.


Stuff I Do






I'm a web developer. I got started in 1995 on a site called Book Stacks Unlimited, which was the first online bookstore. From there, I moved into consulting, then startups, then a large corporation when I moved into management. I was a development manager for fifteen years. Then I came to my senses and ran back to the sanctuary of the code.

Back in 2005, as podcasting became A Thing, I worked with Evo Terra and Tee Morris to found Podiobooks.com. I wrote the initial code on a weekend, then refined it for a few years before handing off the project to a group of great devs. I also hosted a number of podcasts that were lost to time.

I am fond of role-playing games, especially D&D, Cyberpunk Red, and Savage Worlds. Worldbuilding/running games is one of my core hobbies.